"I was able to jump start my diet with the 7 Day Detox Premium™ supplement. This total body and colon cleanse is intensive and really helped me lose weight!"
- Bobbi K.
100% Pure, Maximum Strength, Natural Colon Cleanse
7 Day Detox Premium™ was created to offer consumers a 100% natural, safe and effective alternative to the many poor quality, overpriced and dangerous colon cleansers being put on the market today.

Read Clinical Studies about the ingredients found in 7 Day Detox.*

How Can You Avoid Bad Colon Cleanse Products
And Choose One That Will Actually Work?
"Not All Detox Programs Are Created Equal."
Make sure you know what you are buying before you buy any colon cleanse product. Cowboy supplement makers are trying to make a killing from this diet craze at the expense of both your wallet and your health.
Buyer beware: Many of the colon cleanse supplement products you see advertised on the TV and internet are not effective and can even be dangerous. Always choose a colon cleanse product that contains natural, proven ingredients or nothing at all!
Your weight loss and detox results will vary greatly depending on the quality of the colon cleanse product you choose. So before you buy, ensure that your chosen product meets all of the recommended criteria for maximum effectiveness.
Why Are Colon Cleansers the Hottest Diet Around?

Colon cleanse diets have recently come back into the spotlight, but they are not new! In fact, people have been cleansing their colons of toxic build up since ancient Egyptian times! This involved a more invasive procedure known as ‘colonic hydrotherapy’ which they used to clear the stomach and intestines of excrement waste build up.
The practice of ritual detoxification carried on well into ancient Greek and medieval times, and was hailed as the key to health and well-being by many civilizations that followed. This is because the colon cleanse process is the only effective way to remove the build up of harmful bacteria and toxins that accumulate in the stomach.
These toxins leak into the rest of the body causing numerous health issues; from gas and bloating to more series side effects like fatigue, food intolerance and malnutrition. If you have been feeling run down and lacking in energy, with bloating or digestive problems, there is a high chance your colon is clogged up with these damaging toxins and bacteria.
Scientific evidence and research has demonstrated the numerous health benefits associated with regular colonic detoxification, including:
- Weight loss
- More energy
- Better skin
- Better digestion
- Better immune health
- Flatter stomach
Don't Get Fooled When Buying Detox Products!
Because colon cleansing can be so effective, hundreds of dubious manufacturers have produced colon cleanse products which are of poor quality, ineffective and even dangerous.
These include::- Oxygen cleansers which cause chronic diarrhea and loose stool
- Colonic irrigation devices which can cause bowel perforation and infection
- Unverified herbal preparations which can cause anemia and liver toxicity
- Restrictive diet plans which can deprive the body of essential nutrients
None of these are worth the risk!
Trying these products could put your health at serious risk. If you want to try a colon cleanse, it is highly recommended that you choose a natural, fiber-based supplement with proven ingredients that will not cause harmful side effects. Anything less than a 100% pure supplement will cause more harm than good.
What About 7 Day Detox Premium™?
Is It A Safe Colonic Cleanser?
7 Day Detox Premium™ was created to offer consumers a 100% natural, safe and effective alternative to the many poor quality, overpriced and dangerous colon cleansers being put out on the market today.
We developed 7 Day Detox Premium™ from pure, natural ingredients known for their health benefits and detoxifying properties. These ingredients carry no harmful side effects and will not interfere with your diet or lifestyle.
7 Day Detox Premium™ is designed to work gradually over a 7 day period; gently cleansing the colon without any harsh side effects. It will not deprive the body of essential nutrients or strip the colon with rough, damaging laxatives.
At 7 Day Detox Premium™, we never use false claims or misrepresent the facts. We tell you about what's available, what works and why. We only quote from real clinical studies. And we will never auto-bill your account or put you on an auto-ship program. You will only be billed once, at the time of purchase, and not again, unless you make another purchase.
What Sets 7 Day Detox Premium™ Apart From Other Products?
- 7 Day Detox Premium™ is formulated with high quality, potent, effective ingredients
- 7 Day Detox Premium™ contains only 100% pure, natural ingredients with no artificial binders, fillers or chemicals
- 7 Day Detox Premium™ has the recommended daily dose of 1800mg taken daily
- 7 Day Detox Premium™ is manufactured in an FDA registered lab that is cGMP certified
- 7 Day Detox Premium™ complies with the US Pharmacopeia's quality standards for quality and purity
7 Day Detox Premium™ is the highest quality colon cleanser product available on the market today. If you're serious about losing weight, do not settle for cheap, risky imitations. 7 Day Detox Premium™ is the ultimate choice for serious weight loss and improved health.
What is 7 Day Detox Premium & How Does it Work?
Only a Natural, Quality Herbal Colon Cleanser Will Help You Lose Weight
You may have heard about some of the 'breakthrough' colon cleanse diets that are promising major weight loss without any backups to their claims. Unfortunately, not all colon cleanse diets are created equal, and a lot of the detox diets available today are giving colon cleanse supplements a bad name. Steer clear of anything that is not natural, safe and proven effective! Only a high quality, 100% natural colon cleanse supplement can deliver effective weight loss results. Too many colon cleanse remedies available on the market today use dangerous ingredients, are risky and come with some very unpleasant side effects.
So How Does 7 Day Detox Premium™ Help You Lose Weight?
A clean colon is the key to a fit and healthy lifestyle. If you have been struggling to feel energetic and healthy at a core level, your colon may be clogged with toxic build up. When this happens, your body gives you warning signs that things aren’t flowing right, that it is polluted and essentially running on empty.
These signs be small, such as feeling more bloated or fatigued than usual; or they can be more obvious, such as weight gain, bad skin and chronic fatigue. 7 Day Detox Premium™ has been formulated with a unique combination of powerful, natural ingredients that gently flush these toxins from your colon and cleanse your body from the inside out.
What Makes 7 Day Detox Premium™ So Special?
And Does it Really Work?
- 100% natural ingredients, no artificial chemicals or fillers
- 7 day effective yet gentle cleansing
- Absolutely no unpleasant side effects! Soothes as it cleanses
7 Day Detox Premium™ is also packed with nourishing vitamins and minerals that replenish the essential nutrients your body has been lacking, due to the toxicity of your colon. The result is a host of incredible health benefits that will have you feeling better than you have in ages:
The Visible Health Benefits are Immediate:
- You lose weight
- You feel more energetic
- Your skin is radiant
- Your stomach is flatter
- Your digestion improves
- Fat seems to melt off your body
Colon cleansing is a centuries-old practice that carries some amazing health benefits. Flushing out the toxic build up within our gastrointestinal system can help alleviate minor symptoms such as gas and bloating, as well as providing you with a whole new lease of life and energy.
When you feel unhealthy, bloated and sluggish, losing weight can seem like an impossible feat. It is FAR easier to lose weight and look and feel at your best when you are healthy and energetic. 7 Day Detox Premium™ provides you with the energy, vitality and well-being needed to meet your weight loss goals. A supercharged metabolism and improved digestive system are just some of the benefits you could be experiencing.
But don’t just take our word for it!
Your 7 Day Detox Diet
When doing your 7 Day Cleanse, it is very important to follow a detox diet. If you eat the same foods as usual, you will not be able to clean out your system.
During these 7 days, you must eliminates high-fat, high-carb and sugary foods. Eating a diet of fruits and vegetables, along with our 7 Day Detox capsules, will allow you to get a jump start on a diet, as well as improve your overall health.
- Foods you CAN eat (these can be eaten raw, made into a shake, or put through a juicer)
• All fresh or frozen fruits can be eaten, but make sure frozen fruits are made from whole fruits with no additives or sugar.
Canned fruit and bottled juices are not acceptable, as they have added sugar.
• All Vegetables, fresh or frozen, if no additives like salt, butter or sauces. These also can be eaten raw, cooked, steamed or blended into a shake or juiced.
The best vegetables for detox are broccoli, cauliflower, celery, beets, onions, garlic, carrots and fennel. You can cut them up and keep them in your refrigerator for snacks.
Dark leafy greens such as kale, collard greens, spinach, bok-choy and swiss chard are also excellent.
(Corn and potatoes are not acceptable)
• Grains can be included, preferably whole grains:
Quinoa, rice, millet, oats are acceptable
• Beans and Legumes are also good. For adding protein:
Split yellow and green peas, red or green lentils, dried beans
- These food should not be eaten during the 7 day period

• Dairy Products and Eggs
Eggs and all dairy products should be avoided, including:
milk, yogurt, cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, butter, ice cream (I bet that one is a surprise!)
• Wheat
Wheat, breads, pasta. You want to avoid gluten during a cleanse. (All gluten-containing grains, including wheat, barley, rye, bran, and farina should be avoided)
- All Sweeteners MUST be avoided!
White sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, high-fructose corn syrup (found in most pre-packaged food) and artificial sweeteners
• And, although it is usually healthy, soy and soy-containing products should not be eaten during a cleanse or detox
- Coffee and Caffeinated Beverages are to be avoided.
Avoid all soft drinks, regular and diet, coffee and caffeine tea. Herbal tea is fine.
Please note, if you regularly drink caffeine, you may want to do this gradually. You will get a severe headache if you eliminate caffeine too fast):
And drink water, water, and more water!!!
What Research Is There Behind Colon Cleansers?
And How Do They Help You Lose Weight?
About a century ago, renowned medical doctor Dr. John Harvey Kellog found that 90% of diseases were caused by improper functioning of the colon.
This ground breaking discovery brought to light the importance of digestive health and the need to maintain a clean, fully functional colon for a healthy, active lifestyle.
When the colon is left unchecked it can become clogged with toxic debris that seeps into the rest of the body, causing all kinds of health problems. Unless this toxic build-up is flushed out, it can stagnate in the colon and multiply, causing a gradual deterioration in health and well-being.
The observed benefits of regular cleansing and detoxing are numerous:
- Weight Loss
- Higher energy levels
- Better skin & hair
- Significant weight loss
- Lower stress levels
- More confidence
- Pain relief
- Improved immune system
- Improved concentration
- And more!
But in order to experience these incredible benefits, you must cleanse with a natural, quality detox product from a reputable supplier.
7 Day Detox Premium™ contains only 100% natural, proven ingredients that gently and effectively cleanse the colon over a period of 7 days.
These ingredients have been carefully selected for their unique weight loss and health benefits and combined in one powerful detox supplement:
7 Day Detox Premium - Ingredients & Benefits
Fennel Seed - Fennel seeds have a long history of usage in traditional medicine for treating digestive disorders. They relieve bloating, abdominal distension and act as a diuretic which also makes them an effective weight loss aid.
Cascara Sagrada - Cascara Sagrada is a powerful herbal laxative which has long been used in traditional Native American herbal medicine. Its name literally means 'Sacred Bark' and it is known for being both effective and mild.
Ginger - Ginger Goldenseal is a plant root native to North America. It is highly valued for its powerful antibiotic properties. It is used to enhance the immune system, fight infection and detoxify the body.
Pumpkin Seed - A recent study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food demonstrated the amazing health benefits of pumpkin seeds including reducing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol and aiding weight loss.
Buckthorn Root - The latest super fruit gaining international recognition for its amazing weight loss benefits, Buckthorn Root is a powerful stimulant laxative and fat burner. Rich in omega oils, it has been widely used in Asian medicine for centuries.
Licorice Root - Studies have demonstrated Licorice Root's ability to reduce body fat.This perennial has been used in both Eastern and Western medicine to treat a variety of illnesses; ranging from the common cold to liver disease.
Rhubarb - Rhubarb is packed full of antioxidants such as polyphenols and catechins which are thought to burn fat and speed up the metabolism. Rhubarb is also rich in dietary fiber; a nutrient essential for effective, healthy weight loss.
Citrus Pectin - Citrus Pectin is a type of fiber found in fruits that is used in a variety of medicinal preparations. It helps aid weight loss as it binds to cholesterol in the gastrointestinal tract and slows down the absorption of glucose by trapping carbohydrates. Acidophilus - Acidophilus is a type of 'good bacteria', or probiotic, which is produced naturally in your body. It helps to maintain the right levels of bacteria in the body and aids digestive function.
Cape Aloe - Cape Aloe has been used as a traditional laxative for centuries. It is believed to promote fluid and electrolyte secretion and has been studied for its potential as a diabetes treatment due to its ability to lower blood sugar. It is an extremely soothing plant renowned for its ability to heal and alleviate the symptoms of stomach ulcers.
Aloe Vera - This well known medicinal plant is renowned for its powerful healing properties. It is also a potent antioxidant that helps combat free radicals, making it an effective detox aid. Aloe Vera also stimulates the growth of elastin and collagen, creating younger looking skin.
Cayenne Pepper - Cayenne Pepper can be found in many weight loss supplements due to its unique fat burning properties. It causes the body to burn more calories and stimulates the metabolism into naturally burning more fat.
Goldenseal - Goldenseal supports optimal liver function and may be beneficial in assisting the body in the removal of unwanted toxins.
Acai - Acai berries provide high levels of fiber which helps stimulate your intestines to help you go. Regular bowel movements ensure waste toxins do not build up in the body.
Senna - Used for centuries in traditional medicine and widely available in over the counter remedies, Senna is an effective natural laxative which helps to flush out toxins from the body.
Oat Bran - Oat Bran is high in fiber and is packed with vitamins and antioxidants. It also exhibits unique weight loss properties as it blocks the absorption of calories from the intestine.
Prune Juice - Prune juice promotes healthy bowel regularity and works as a gentle, natural laxative. It is also high in a variety of nutrients.
Flaxseed Oil - Flaxseed oil is a great source of natural fatty acids and omega 3 oil. Its health benefits are numerous, including raising energy levels and speeding up metabolism.
WARNING: Do Not Be Fooled By Inferior Products!
Do not be taken in by inferior quality, dubious colon cleanse supplements that provide no information about their ingredients and no guarantee of results. 7 Day Detox Premium™ is the only 100% natural, gentle and effective colon cleanser. We do not hide behind vague claims or promise overnight miracles, only gentle and effective colon cleansing. For a radiant new bill of health and a slim, toned body, look no further!
Your Purchase Is Risk Free!
Tell Us About Your Success
We Love to Hear From People who Lost Weight with 7 Day Detox Premium™
We're proud of 7 Day Detox Premium™ and believe that it is the most effective natural colon cleanse supplement available. And, we are very happy that so many of our customers agree with us! So, if you lost weight using 7 Day Detox Premium™, please tell us about it - we would love to hear from you!
If you would like to leave us a message or ask a question, just click here to contact customer support.
And if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. We're here to help you!
Answers To Your Frequently Asked Questions
About 7 Day Detox Premium™
1. Why choose 7 Day Detox Premium™?
7 Day Detox Premium™ is the premium colon cleanse brand. We set out to create a natural, effective colon cleanse supplement that would deliver fast results without any side effects, and this is the result.
We always keep everything transparent and don't hide behind our label or website. Plain and simple, we provide the best 7 day detox program at the best prices. We never use false claims and will never bill your credit card for anything you didn't order - absolutely no auto-shipping!
7 Day Detox Premium™ is simply the highest quality natural colon cleanse supplement available on the market. If you're serious about losing weight, don't settle for cheap imitations. 7 Day Detox Premium™ is your best choice for weight loss!
2. How does it work?
7 Day Detox Premium is a detox supplement that works by gently flushing toxic build up from the digestive system. It has also been formulated to gently reduce inflammation of the colon and prevent harmful toxins from leaking into the blood stream.
Unlike other colon cleanse supplements, 7 Day Detox Premium™ is designed to work over a period of 7 days, exerting a gentle, natural effect that won’t cause unpleasant side effects.
For detailed information, please click here to go to our description page.
3. How quickly should I expect to see results?
It varies with each person. For some it can take as little as one week, while for others it may take up to one month to see results.
4. What's the recommended dose?
For maximum results it is recommended that you take 2-3 capsules a day, along with a glass of water. Each bottle of 7 Day Detox Premium™ offers a full week-long detox program of 21 servings of 900mg each.
5. Can I see the label of 7 Day Detox Premium™?
Of course! Please click here to see our label.
6. What are the ingredients and what else is inside each capsule?
7 Day Detox Premium™ only has 100% natural ingredients designed to gently cleanse the colon. Click here to read more about the individual ingredients.
7 Day Detox Premium™ has no added fillers, binders or added ingredients. Every capsule is encapsulated in a vegetarian capsule.
7. Are there side effects associated with taking 7 Day Detox Premium™?
We do not know of any side effects, but we always recommend contacting your doctor. You also want to make sure that you do not exceed the recommended dose.
8. Will 7 Day Detox Premium™ really help me lose weight?
While every person is different, clinical studies have shown the effectiveness of colon cleansers on weight loss. But results will vary per person.
9. Can I take 7 Day Detox Premium™ if I'm on other medications?
7 Day Detox Premium™ uses only the highest quality natural ingredients. There are no known interactions with any medications. That being said, we recommend that you consult with your primary care physician if you have any concerns.
10. Where can I buy 7 Day Detox Premium™?
7 Day Detox Premium™ is only available online. You can order 7 Day Detox Premium™ from Amazon by clicking here.
11. How do I contact customer support?
Please go to our customer support page with any questions by clicking here. Our representatives will be happy to assist you.
12. Do you ship discreetly?
Yes! We always ship in a discreet, plain package - nobody will know the contents.
Choose Your 7 Day Detox Savings Package!
You can save up to $220 with our different packages!
7 Day Detox Premium™ was designed to help you lose weight with the help of the best quality colon cleanse available. We are providing a 90 day 100% money back guarantee, so you can feel confident that 7 Day Detox Premium™ will work for you.
We have several different savings packages on offer to help you lose weight. We recommend trying 7 Day Detox Premium™ for 6 months. The savings in the long run will be well worth it.